all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

find any address or company within the CV37 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 0NR 7 1 52.210302 -1.690634
CV37 0NS 18 1 52.206752 -1.684103
CV37 0NT 1 0 52.207582 -1.672258
CV37 0NU 10 0 52.216638 -1.660438
CV37 0NX 3 0 52.217603 -1.671101
CV37 0NY 2 0 52.214557 -1.681296
CV37 0NZ 9 0 52.213658 -1.67476
CV37 0PB 2 0 52.230198 -1.656137
CV37 0PD 2 0 52.230184 -1.651613
CV37 0PE 1 0 52.23028 -1.65843
CV37 0PF 2 1 52.230962 -1.659265
CV37 0PG 4 0 52.236757 -1.666171
CV37 0PH 2 0 52.235052 -1.662192
CV37 0PL 8 1 52.245748 -1.663277
CV37 0PP 7 0 52.254042 -1.655435
CV37 0PQ 1 1 52.241188 -1.668818
CV37 0PR 1 0 52.244559 -1.659288
CV37 0PS 7 0 52.2393 -1.650263
CV37 0PT 12 8 52.231054 -1.661939
CV37 0PY 5 1 52.226743 -1.663347