all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

find any address or company within the CV37 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 0LA 5 0 52.235787 -1.689578
CV37 0LD 7 0 52.23325 -1.685437
CV37 0LE 17 0 52.235154 -1.686059
CV37 0LF 24 0 52.237677 -1.683503
CV37 0LG 8 0 52.238772 -1.682719
CV37 0LH 4 0 52.237781 -1.682008
CV37 0LJ 7 0 52.238523 -1.68067
CV37 0LN 7 0 52.239307 -1.681089
CV37 0LP 12 0 52.240321 -1.677143
CV37 0LQ 3 0 52.238459 -1.683585
CV37 0LR 3 0 52.244207 -1.681186
CV37 0LS 14 0 52.238933 -1.67913
CV37 0LT 27 0 52.237015 -1.676249
CV37 0LU 7 0 52.238201 -1.677817
CV37 0LW 7 0 52.239027 -1.680593
CV37 0LX 7 0 52.239498 -1.678598
CV37 0LY 1 0 52.232401 -1.674228
CV37 0PZ 5 1 52.223345 -1.672991
CV37 0LZ 4 0 52.23188 -1.680996
CV37 0NP 9 0 52.199561 -1.698463