all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 8XW 26 0 52.118148 -1.806507
CV37 8XY 15 0 52.114317 -1.797202
CV37 8XZ 17 0 52.115141 -1.793216
CV37 8YA 4 0 52.119908 -1.810413
CV37 8YD 1 1 52.19887 -1.717166
CV37 8YG 1 1 52.19887 -1.717166
CV37 8YH 1 1 52.19887 -1.717166
CV37 8YJ 20 0 52.1655 -1.781838
CV37 8UL 7 0 52.120942 -1.81296
CV37 8LP 7 5 52.138907 -1.738002
CV37 8AH 0 52.139283 -1.807448
CV37 8QR 7 6 52.119175 -1.767214
CV37 8XU 1 52.115377 -1.810505
CV37 8BD 0 52.155734 -1.801004
CV37 8PL 4 52.123264 -1.778042
CV37 8BF 6 0 52.161331 -1.809444
CV37 8TG 8 0 52.121161 -1.746913
CV37 8DJ 13 0 52.116847 -1.810246
CV37 8DS 10 0 52.117562 -1.810584
CV37 8WB 13 0 52.119769 -1.75621