all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

find any address or company within the CV37 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 8WD 39 0 52.119652 -1.758536
CV37 8WE 9 0 52.119215 -1.757761
CV37 8WG 32 0 52.119129 -1.75813
CV37 8WH 16 0 52.118897 -1.758701
CV37 8WJ 14 0 52.11908 -1.760131
CV37 8WN 10 0 52.119041 -1.760756
CV37 8WP 39 0 52.118263 -1.761012
CV37 8WQ 32 0 52.117683 -1.75862
CV37 8WR 10 0 52.118162 -1.760078
CV37 8WS 12 0 52.117655 -1.76012
CV37 8WT 8 0 52.117537 -1.759318
CV37 8WU 12 0 52.117122 -1.758867
CV37 8WW 16 0 52.117381 -1.757785
CV37 8WX 17 0 52.11828 -1.757751
CV37 8WY 8 0 52.117965 -1.757767
CV37 8YB 8 0 52.118101 -1.758541
CV37 8YE 2 52.120069 -1.760331
CV37 8QW 0 52.122603 -1.759514
CV37 8DT 0 52.160878 -1.783927
CV37 8LR 1 0 52.159882 -1.750597