all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

find any address or company within the CV37 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 8SN 40 0 52.13874 -1.777706
CV37 8FA 14 0 52.161686 -1.783411
CV37 8YF 7 0 52.118994 -1.762367
CV37 8YN 11 0 52.117277 -1.762536
CV37 8YP 7 0 52.117455 -1.761601
CV37 8UJ 5 0 52.113684 -1.640805
CV37 8EE 1 0 52.169851 -1.716243
CV37 8QN 4 0 52.133783 -1.66224
CV37 8QX 2 0 52.13355 -1.662593
CV37 8FB 3 0 52.162677 -1.789927
CV37 8FD 8 0 52.161965 -1.788936
CV37 8YQ 3 0 52.109552 -1.794731
CV37 8US 5 0 52.123497 -1.748364