all postcodes in CV4 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV4 7AZ 22 0 52.382587 -1.542309
CV4 7BA 25 1 52.391572 -1.550327
CV4 7BB 15 13 52.392037 -1.549544
CV4 7BG 48 0 52.38924 -1.544782
CV4 7BH 14 0 52.388667 -1.545346
CV4 7BJ 37 0 52.386477 -1.5439
CV4 7BL 29 0 52.385268 -1.545073
CV4 7BN 26 0 52.385117 -1.545677
CV4 7BP 9 0 52.386874 -1.544307
CV4 7BQ 8 0 52.3866 -1.5455
CV4 7BS 19 0 52.385211 -1.546631
CV4 7BT 16 0 52.385222 -1.547233
CV4 7BU 2 0 52.386241 -1.548432
CV4 7BW 13 0 52.387274 -1.547726
CV4 7BX 43 2 52.388249 -1.546453
CV4 7BY 7 0 52.387321 -1.545874
CV4 7BZ 23 0 52.388153 -1.544881
CV4 7DA 33 0 52.387995 -1.545912
CV4 7DB 4 0 52.379267 -1.593838
CV4 7DD 5 0 52.38247 -1.573398