all postcodes in CV4 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV4 8BG 44 0 52.393897 -1.583663
CV4 8BH 12 0 52.39369 -1.586119
CV4 8BJ 14 0 52.394679 -1.586139
CV4 8BL 8 0 52.395002 -1.586004
CV4 8BN 15 0 52.395272 -1.584199
CV4 8BP 30 0 52.394599 -1.584009
CV4 8BQ 10 2 52.39543 -1.572823
CV4 8BS 22 0 52.394791 -1.574793
CV4 8BT 20 0 52.395367 -1.577403
CV4 8BW 32 0 52.394976 -1.58111
CV4 8BX 39 0 52.394155 -1.58028
CV4 8BY 18 0 52.393653 -1.58077
CV4 8BZ 20 0 52.393427 -1.577862
CV4 8DA 27 6 52.392996 -1.573522
CV4 8DB 12 0 52.392663 -1.570405
CV4 8DD 12 0 52.39271 -1.571007
CV4 8DE 40 0 52.394235 -1.577517
CV4 8DF 16 0 52.393849 -1.575228
CV4 8DG 40 0 52.39455 -1.577617
CV4 8DH 37 0 52.394476 -1.574575