all postcodes in CV / Coventry

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District

CV / Coventry

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV1 1JN 1 1 52.412119 -1.511092
CV1 1JQ 8 0 52.411739 -1.508273
CV1 1JR 10 0 52.411311 -1.508728
CV1 1JS 1 1 52.412535 -1.508994
CV1 1LF 27 16 52.406837 -1.511585
CV1 1LH 12 10 52.406124 -1.513166
CV1 1LL 14 6 52.407755 -1.509767
CV1 1LN 12 0 52.408365 -1.509496
CV1 1LZ 1 1 52.408633 -1.511154
CV1 1NE 4 3 52.407578 -1.510475
CV1 1NF 11 10 52.407788 -1.511193
CV1 1NG 6 4 52.407788 -1.511193
CV1 1NH 2 1 52.407788 -1.511193
CV1 1NQ 48 0 52.408351 -1.514803
CV1 1NR 48 0 52.408351 -1.514803
CV1 1PB 1 1 52.408095 -1.515893
CV1 1QL 1 1 52.409599 -1.512202
CV1 1QS 11 6 52.409239 -1.512161
CV1 1QT 20 14 52.408742 -1.511835
CV1 1QX 11 7 52.409239 -1.512161