all postcodes in CW1 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW1 4RQ 8 2 53.132318 -2.485052
CW1 4RJ 13 7 53.12809 -2.46057
CW1 4RL 6 0 53.12178 -2.460891
CW1 4RN 3 0 53.12358 -2.462599
CW1 4RP 40 0 53.116152 -2.463475
CW1 4RR 9 0 53.116509 -2.464211
CW1 4RS 17 0 53.115492 -2.462243
CW1 4RT 10 0 53.116264 -2.462505
CW1 4RU 58 0 53.116846 -2.460763
CW1 4RW 3 0 53.117789 -2.458667
CW1 4RX 5 0 53.117485 -2.460501
CW1 4RY 40 0 53.116286 -2.461445
CW1 4RZ 2 1 53.119594 -2.449318
CW1 4SA 15 0 53.108739 -2.441317
CW1 4SN 15 0 53.110766 -2.442682
CW1 4SP 23 0 53.111222 -2.443285
CW1 4SW 8 0 53.110796 -2.444132
CW1 4TA 16 0 53.122346 -2.453993
CW1 4TD 20 0 53.122029 -2.459175
CW1 4TE 15 0 53.121951 -2.458472