all postcodes in CW1 / CREWE

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW1 4EL 43 0 53.108269 -2.43229
CW1 4EN 10 0 53.110057 -2.430022
CW1 4EP 10 4 53.106538 -2.433393
CW1 4EQ 12 0 53.106137 -2.435121
CW1 4ER 14 0 53.105892 -2.433267
CW1 4ES 43 0 53.105923 -2.429757
CW1 4ET 45 0 53.106299 -2.430209
CW1 4EU 24 0 53.106544 -2.432078
CW1 4EW 43 0 53.107984 -2.431689
CW1 4EX 56 0 53.107772 -2.430597
CW1 4EY 33 0 53.106588 -2.429883
CW1 4EZ 18 0 53.107513 -2.430071
CW1 4FF 1 1 53.087987 -2.430623
CW1 4GA 5 0 53.117653 -2.46122
CW1 4GB 18 0 53.112875 -2.4436
CW1 4HA 12 0 53.107864 -2.429926
CW1 4HB 48 0 53.108285 -2.432887
CW1 4HD 40 0 53.10867 -2.43319
CW1 4HE 9 0 53.106894 -2.429871
CW1 4HG 41 0 53.107482 -2.426157