all postcodes in CW1 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW1 4PD 25 0 53.120396 -2.451552
CW1 4PE 12 1 53.123533 -2.434565
CW1 4PF 4 0 53.123426 -2.43682
CW1 4PH 2 0 53.128144 -2.436793
CW1 4QN 6 0 53.127207 -2.428011
CW1 4PJ 2 0 53.135048 -2.436654
CW1 4PL 1 0 53.13196 -2.433544
CW1 4PN 6 1 53.132825 -2.447453
CW1 4PP 11 1 53.123009 -2.440118
CW1 4PQ 6 1 53.126358 -2.438808
CW1 4PR 12 0 53.119001 -2.452046
CW1 4PS 23 2 53.122061 -2.44096
CW1 4PT 10 0 53.119727 -2.440473
CW1 4PU 19 0 53.120657 -2.443875
CW1 4PW 3 0 53.126903 -2.444597
CW1 4PX 4 1 53.121396 -2.445705
CW1 4PY 12 4 53.118468 -2.452698
CW1 4PZ 50 0 53.120078 -2.452251
CW1 4QA 16 0 53.12106 -2.451888
CW1 4QB 3 0 53.119717 -2.452636