all postcodes in CW1 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW1 6DT 20 0 53.091362 -2.426954
CW1 6DX 15 0 53.09149 -2.428896
CW1 6DY 56 0 53.09282 -2.426535
CW1 6DZ 31 0 53.092701 -2.427146
CW1 6EA 18 15 53.092333 -2.431399
CW1 6EB 3 0 53.092837 -2.429178
CW1 6ED 25 1 53.092345 -2.428591
CW1 6EF 16 0 53.095321 -2.428292
CW1 6EJ 3 1 53.097374 -2.429806
CW1 6EP 26 0 53.095958 -2.428582
CW1 6ER 35 0 53.096317 -2.428959
CW1 6ES 10 0 53.095966 -2.421549
CW1 6ET 11 0 53.095657 -2.427519
CW1 6EU 43 1 53.096392 -2.427974
CW1 6EW 1 1 53.088308 -2.418204
CW1 6EX 16 2 53.097247 -2.427818
CW1 6FL 14 14 53.088003 -2.430624
CW1 6FA 24 20 53.088024 -2.417649
CW1 6FB 1 1 53.088949 -2.415254
CW1 6FF 17 13 53.089144 -2.41869