all postcodes in CW1 / CREWE

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW1 6AL 1 1 53.086615 -2.42952
CW1 6FN 6 0 53.095946 -2.416934
CW1 6FU 1 1 53.089544 -2.419485
CW1 6FW 1 1 53.091974 -2.431634
CW1 6FX 2 2 53.087406 -2.429259
CW1 6GD 1 1 53.087987 -2.430623
CW1 6GF 1 1 53.087987 -2.430623
CW1 6GH 1 1 53.082771 -2.423808
CW1 6GJ 1 1 53.091822 -2.416207
CW1 6GL 13 13 53.090784 -2.414958
CW1 6GZ 3 3 53.090502 -2.417957
CW1 6GU 6 4 53.090941 -2.416482
CW1 6GY 1 1 53.091568 -2.431764
CW1 6HD 26 0 53.096497 -2.421389
CW1 6HE 15 0 53.095947 -2.421175
CW1 6HF 28 0 53.095927 -2.422399
CW1 6HG 43 0 53.096798 -2.424947
CW1 6HH 10 0 53.095417 -2.426531
CW1 6HJ 12 0 53.095037 -2.427363
CW1 6HL 11 0 53.095511 -2.425636