all postcodes in CW1 / CREWE

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW1 6HN 12 0 53.096084 -2.426149
CW1 6HP 16 0 53.095043 -2.423137
CW1 6HQ 24 0 53.096494 -2.427034
CW1 6HR 15 0 53.09611 -2.42379
CW1 6HS 2 2 53.091446 -2.413411
CW1 6HT 41 0 53.095719 -2.417424
CW1 6HW 52 0 53.095855 -2.424982
CW1 6JS 5 5 53.088283 -2.428177
CW1 6NA 1 1 53.08037 -2.418933
CW1 6NB 2 2 53.0824 -2.416176
CW1 6ND 1 1 53.082118 -2.415188
CW1 6NE 3 2 53.081408 -2.427676
CW1 6NF 1 1 53.079614 -2.416671
CW1 6RT 1 1 53.093918 -2.43116
CW1 6TT 1 1 53.085266 -2.422355
CW1 6UA 17 9 53.082138 -2.398274
CW1 6UL 1 1 53.081584 -2.397865
CW1 6UY 9 9 53.082433 -2.401501
CW1 6UZ 1 1 53.082771 -2.400235
CW1 6WW 1 1 53.087987 -2.430623