all postcodes in CW3 / CREWE

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW3 9JX 1 1 53.007143 -2.324379
CW3 9JY 58 0 53.00883 -2.325465
CW3 9JZ 25 0 53.008827 -2.323274
CW3 9LD 8 1 53.007664 -2.324517
CW3 9LE 24 0 53.009006 -2.327031
CW3 9LH 1 0 53.007316 -2.323516
CW3 9LJ 4 0 53.007505 -2.323205
CW3 9LL 7 0 53.007685 -2.322967
CW3 9LN 28 0 53.007322 -2.321415
CW3 9LP 11 0 53.007424 -2.319821
CW3 9LQ 4 0 53.008474 -2.327504
CW3 9LR 5 0 53.006929 -2.320339
CW3 9LS 6 0 53.007779 -2.318453
CW3 9LT 7 0 53.007557 -2.314353
CW3 9LU 5 0 53.006665 -2.318266
CW3 9LW 27 0 53.00817 -2.320378
CW3 9LX 8 0 53.00615 -2.318947
CW3 9LY 1 1 53.004181 -2.319261
CW3 9LZ 1 1 53.004991 -2.312516
CW3 9NA 13 0 52.996803 -2.341198