all postcodes in CW3 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW3 9PH 3 1 52.995988 -2.340431
CW3 9PJ 1 1 52.996335 -2.341671
CW3 9PL 3 0 52.997095 -2.339934
CW3 9PN 3 0 52.995259 -2.340694
CW3 9PQ 10 0 52.995723 -2.338507
CW3 9PR 6 0 52.995209 -2.341855
CW3 9PS 7 0 52.986256 -2.33894
CW3 9PT 21 0 52.972118 -2.328703
CW3 9PU 25 0 52.996745 -2.336415
CW3 9PW 14 0 52.994423 -2.340508
CW3 9PY 2 0 52.995211 -2.341364
CW3 9QA 1 0 52.992651 -2.344145
CW3 9QB 3 0 52.994498 -2.342699
CW3 9QD 34 0 52.994209 -2.345677
CW3 9QE 15 0 52.989659 -2.352359
CW3 9QF 5 2 52.985923 -2.369428
CW3 9QG 1 0 52.991633 -2.368852
CW3 9QH 7 0 52.982219 -2.363618
CW3 9QJ 9 0 52.983493 -2.373176
CW3 9QL 8 0 52.986284 -2.374526