all postcodes in CW6 / TARPORLEY

find any address or company within the CW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW6 0PS 0 53.204865 -2.712781
CW6 0PT 0 53.203836 -2.713467
CW6 0PU 2 53.204731 -2.715653
CW6 0PX 0 53.20366 -2.714378
CW6 0PY 1 53.201499 -2.716468
CW6 0PZ 0 53.204193 -2.712365
CW6 0QA 0 53.203258 -2.710853
CW6 0QB 0 53.205673 -2.711432
CW6 0QD 0 53.205677 -2.710848
CW6 0QE 0 53.205546 -2.713211
CW6 0QF 0 53.205293 -2.714779
CW6 0QG 3 53.206845 -2.71235
CW6 0QH 1 53.208202 -2.712402
CW6 0QJ 4 53.208713 -2.712665
CW6 0QL 0 53.210057 -2.710411
CW6 0QN 0 53.211611 -2.710572
CW6 0QP 0 53.209789 -2.713177
CW6 0QR 0 53.209166 -2.713601
CW6 0QS 1 53.209358 -2.714532
CW6 0QT 0 53.211162 -2.717526