all postcodes in CW6 / TARPORLEY

find any address or company within the CW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW6 0RZ 2 53.20891 -2.715272
CW6 0SA 1 53.209026 -2.709915
CW6 0SB 2 53.207463 -2.711282
CW6 0SD 1 53.211455 -2.706556
CW6 0SE 0 53.211323 -2.706015
CW6 0SG 0 53.214279 -2.703353
CW6 0SH 0 53.214066 -2.702856
CW6 0SJ 1 53.213136 -2.701972
CW6 0SL 0 53.21321 -2.698514
CW6 0SP 0 53.21343 -2.690102
CW6 0SQ 0 53.214346 -2.704088
CW6 0SR 4 53.210945 -2.678247
CW6 0SS 0 53.211797 -2.679607
CW6 0ST 2 53.211098 -2.671435
CW6 0SU 0 53.212195 -2.671903
CW6 0SW 1 53.213906 -2.698001
CW6 0SX 0 53.21703 -2.672129
CW6 0SY 0 53.217172 -2.695958
CW6 0SZ 0 53.21842 -2.694585
CW6 0TA 0 53.219846 -2.695147