all postcodes in CW8 / NORTHWICH

find any address or company within the CW8 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW8 1LB 2 2 53.248513 -2.522078
CW8 1LD 1 1 53.248278 -2.526917
CW8 1LE 1 1 53.256327 -2.525937
CW8 1LG 16 1 53.250511 -2.538096
CW8 1LH 11 1 53.250246 -2.537103
CW8 1LJ 1 1 53.249223 -2.536641
CW8 1LL 5 0 53.250192 -2.538494
CW8 1LN 12 0 53.250078 -2.539887
CW8 1LP 27 1 53.248116 -2.541018
CW8 1LQ 26 0 53.248766 -2.546331
CW8 1LT 9 0 53.249519 -2.544256
CW8 1LU 2 2 53.247517 -2.543691
CW8 1LW 25 1 53.249491 -2.54114
CW8 1LX 20 0 53.243431 -2.545319
CW8 1LY 32 0 53.243216 -2.54716
CW8 1LZ 18 0 53.24263 -2.545609
CW8 1NA 38 2 53.242154 -2.545393
CW8 1NB 39 0 53.243685 -2.542745
CW8 1ND 20 0 53.243715 -2.544199
CW8 1NE 7 0 53.240731 -2.544086