all postcodes in CW8 / NORTHWICH

find any address or company within the CW8 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW8 1PF 5 0 53.24392 -2.539929
CW8 1PG 3 0 53.242223 -2.538081
CW8 1PH 4 0 53.244819 -2.537932
CW8 1PL 18 0 53.240182 -2.538236
CW8 1PN 15 0 53.2398 -2.537317
CW8 1PP 1 0 53.239076 -2.534461
CW8 1PQ 15 0 53.241539 -2.538298
CW8 1PR 2 0 53.238055 -2.53761
CW8 1PS 23 0 53.242347 -2.540615
CW8 1PT 4 0 53.242098 -2.541856
CW8 1PU 24 0 53.241317 -2.539823
CW8 1PW 3 1 53.239795 -2.536403
CW8 1PX 6 0 53.244928 -2.542266
CW8 1PY 21 0 53.241594 -2.544157
CW8 1PZ 39 0 53.243248 -2.54199
CW8 1QA 23 1 53.245172 -2.544023
CW8 1QB 8 0 53.244632 -2.538246
CW8 1QD 8 0 53.245047 -2.537411
CW8 1QE 8 0 53.245183 -2.537143
CW8 1QG 4 0 53.246672 -2.544117