all postcodes in CW8 / NORTHWICH

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW8 4QS 5 0 53.279429 -2.55932
CW8 4QT 5 2 53.280703 -2.600642
CW8 4YD 2 0 53.281933 -2.600283
CW8 4QU 77 3 53.28442 -2.597874
CW8 4QW 2 0 53.280791 -2.598572
CW8 4QX 7 0 53.288669 -2.585708
CW8 4QY 3 1 53.288397 -2.593429
CW8 4QZ 3 1 53.288782 -2.59381
CW8 4RA 11 0 53.287911 -2.588097
CW8 4RB 10 0 53.285294 -2.590296
CW8 4RD 5 0 53.282681 -2.573057
CW8 4RE 7 0 53.278905 -2.591708
CW8 4RG 40 7 53.289634 -2.573389
CW8 4RH 4 2 53.292795 -2.587083
CW8 4RJ 2 0 53.293159 -2.571261
CW8 4RL 1 0 53.288892 -2.568968
CW8 4RN 13 1 53.280236 -2.574884
CW8 4RP 6 1 53.285006 -2.573673
CW8 4RR 22 1 53.278955 -2.577731
CW8 4RT 16 0 53.27974 -2.573407