all postcodes in CW8 / NORTHWICH

find any address or company within the CW8 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW8 4YB 5 0 53.281877 -2.601168
CW8 4GT 10 0 53.275643 -2.557906
CW8 4GU 10 0 53.275125 -2.55724
CW8 4WQ 1 1 53.261328 -2.508699
CW8 4WP 1 1 53.261328 -2.508699
CW8 4NU 3 0 53.269977 -2.55263
CW8 4FT 3 1 53.257142 -2.538763
CW8 4UN 6 0 53.252774 -2.53415
CW8 4GW 2 2 53.266316 -2.534994
CW8 4QN 12 0 53.264737 -2.53679
CW8 4RF 22 0 53.265254 -2.537245
CW8 4SF 14 0 53.26518 -2.536376
CW8 4SG 1 0 53.2656 -2.53644
CW8 4SQ 19 0 53.264764 -2.538814
CW8 4SU 46 0 53.263527 -2.538124
CW8 4TA 7 0 53.26398 -2.537215
CW8 4UB 30 0 53.265187 -2.538324
CW8 4UD 25 0 53.266406 -2.538954
CW8 4US 8 0 53.264196 -2.538746
CW8 4YJ 51 0 53.261764 -2.539929