all postcodes in DA11 / GRAVESEND

find any address or company within the DA11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA11 8BE 36 1 51.429201 0.346766
DA11 8BG 1 1 51.433434 0.342422
DA11 8BH 20 0 51.430272 0.347181
DA11 8BJ 9 0 51.429286 0.34611
DA11 8BL 12 1 51.429668 0.346315
DA11 8BP 15 1 51.433078 0.348994
DA11 8BS 6 1 51.43285 0.348681
DA11 8BT 7 2 51.432225 0.347079
DA11 8BU 5 2 51.432645 0.346755
DA11 8BZ 36 12 51.435153 0.343258
DA11 8BW 6 0 51.432763 0.348056
DA11 8BX 20 3 51.433348 0.346259
DA11 8DA 14 6 51.433111 0.34596
DA11 8DB 23 0 51.434601 0.344323
DA11 8DD 26 0 51.436787 0.342493
DA11 8DE 32 0 51.436112 0.3443
DA11 8DF 15 0 51.435864 0.344546
DA11 8DG 17 0 51.433999 0.345602
DA11 8DH 29 0 51.437117 0.343517
DA11 8DJ 27 0 51.435223 0.345118