all postcodes in DA11 / GRAVESEND

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA11 8RA 16 10 51.433939 0.353081
DA11 8RB 4 1 51.433731 0.352294
DA11 8RD 9 5 51.433242 0.351088
DA11 8RE 15 9 51.433777 0.351332
DA11 8RF 6 0 51.433214 0.349777
DA11 8RG 39 0 51.434682 0.350155
DA11 8RH 9 1 51.435684 0.352682
DA11 8RJ 12 0 51.434835 0.353256
DA11 8RL 21 0 51.435135 0.353574
DA11 8RN 46 1 51.434933 0.35106
DA11 8RP 29 0 51.43536 0.354463
DA11 8RQ 39 0 51.435008 0.350474
DA11 8RS 20 0 51.435386 0.353126
DA11 8RT 31 0 51.434299 0.347243
DA11 8RU 11 9 51.434899 0.352324
DA11 8RW 50 0 51.435078 0.351484
DA11 8RX 1 0 51.433485 0.349288
DA11 8RY 6 0 51.434242 0.353226
DA11 8RZ 45 0 51.434197 0.349223
DA11 8SA 23 0 51.42794 0.349089