all postcodes in DA12 / GRAVESEND

find any address or company within the DA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA12 3BW 9 0 51.389976 0.402456
DA12 3BX 24 0 51.390223 0.399638
DA12 3BY 1 0 51.391264 0.396256
DA12 3BZ 21 3 51.390634 0.399774
DA12 3DA 6 0 51.391989 0.397703
DA12 3DB 15 0 51.392611 0.397218
DA12 3DD 3 0 51.392215 0.394121
DA12 3DE 2 0 51.391965 0.394065
DA12 3DF 3 0 51.391401 0.395286
DA12 3DP 21 0 51.417198 0.433067
DA12 3DR 8 0 51.417022 0.432856
DA12 3DS 5 0 51.416582 0.43151
DA12 3DT 21 0 51.41662 0.430548
DA12 3DU 16 1 51.415255 0.431741
DA12 3DX 7 0 51.41424 0.429516
DA12 3DY 6 1 51.415761 0.430315
DA12 3DZ 5 0 51.415256 0.430404
DA12 3EA 41 5 51.41418 0.430692
DA12 3EB 5 0 51.413564 0.428732
DA12 3ED 9 0 51.413581 0.433119