all postcodes in DA12 / GRAVESEND

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA12 3EE 2 0 51.413688 0.430162
DA12 3EF 2 0 51.413538 0.429996
DA12 3EG 3 0 51.413116 0.430362
DA12 3EH 37 0 51.414238 0.432205
DA12 3EJ 21 0 51.412405 0.433416
DA12 3EL 44 0 51.406841 0.431108
DA12 3EN 20 0 51.411129 0.431709
DA12 3EP 2 0 51.408822 0.432363
DA12 3EQ 17 0 51.412406 0.43077
DA12 3EW 12 0 51.407978 0.432692
DA12 3HA 8 0 51.414684 0.428921
DA12 3HB 1 1 51.403008 0.40728
DA12 3HD 1 0 51.401826 0.419253
DA12 3HE 14 1 51.412537 0.42189
DA12 3HF 4 1 51.412879 0.419664
DA12 3HG 3 0 51.421943 0.436239
DA12 3HH 25 0 51.408485 0.430332
DA12 3HJ 32 0 51.420101 0.436558
DA12 3HL 24 0 51.421261 0.435699
DA12 3HN 2 0 51.425643 0.434796