all postcodes in DE1 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE11 0BS 26 0 52.790803 -1.569788
DE11 0BU 20 1 52.780492 -1.557466
DE11 0BW 20 0 52.775112 -1.556527
DE11 0BX 21 0 52.782026 -1.556753
DE11 0BY 41 0 52.783752 -1.556632
DE11 0BZ 23 1 52.785172 -1.556514
DE11 0DA 20 0 52.78627 -1.556962
DE11 0DB 16 0 52.784546 -1.557424
DE11 0DD 23 0 52.782078 -1.556145
DE11 0DE 32 0 52.780852 -1.555386
DE11 0DF 4 0 52.784195 -1.555011
DE11 0DG 19 0 52.784341 -1.555588
DE11 0DH 20 1 52.785834 -1.555855
DE11 0DJ 4 0 52.786817 -1.556556
DE11 0DL 29 0 52.788632 -1.558688
DE11 0DN 35 1 52.790216 -1.56407
DE11 0DP 27 0 52.78738 -1.555616
DE11 0DQ 24 0 52.78376 -1.551635
DE11 0DR 15 0 52.781868 -1.555346
DE11 0DS 11 0 52.781587 -1.554578