all postcodes in DE1 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE11 0DT 42 0 52.781723 -1.552724
DE11 0DU 28 0 52.780526 -1.552276
DE11 0DW 31 0 52.783726 -1.549871
DE11 0DX 8 0 52.780831 -1.552036
DE11 0DY 31 0 52.780521 -1.55321
DE11 0DZ 16 0 52.781128 -1.552285
DE11 0EA 37 2 52.781691 -1.565771
DE11 0EB 11 0 52.776718 -1.562885
DE11 0ED 22 0 52.782788 -1.565789
DE11 0EE 10 0 52.775328 -1.563976
DE11 0EF 54 0 52.776316 -1.563645
DE11 0EG 33 8 52.781839 -1.562033
DE11 0EH 11 0 52.782085 -1.562876
DE11 0EJ 37 0 52.781439 -1.560703
DE11 0EL 72 0 52.785722 -1.559543
DE11 0EN 31 0 52.785216 -1.56369
DE11 0EP 14 0 52.785069 -1.562831
DE11 0ER 24 1 52.784702 -1.560655
DE11 0ES 30 0 52.783404 -1.559793
DE11 0ET 36 0 52.782745 -1.561505