all postcodes in DE1 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE11 0EU 12 0 52.784278 -1.562869
DE11 0EW 37 0 52.783797 -1.563867
DE11 0EX 23 0 52.783832 -1.558781
DE11 0EY 10 0 52.783813 -1.560901
DE11 0EZ 27 0 52.783498 -1.561023
DE11 0GN 1 1 52.774533 -1.557911
DE11 0GY 5 0 52.787278 -1.576969
DE11 0HA 29 0 52.78398 -1.562412
DE11 0HB 21 0 52.785281 -1.561628
DE11 0HD 51 2 52.786609 -1.558605
DE11 0HE 24 0 52.785888 -1.558286
DE11 0HF 31 0 52.782549 -1.564339
DE11 0HG 13 0 52.782143 -1.564101
DE11 0HH 28 0 52.782184 -1.55094
DE11 0HJ 26 0 52.782656 -1.552195
DE11 0HL 11 0 52.782797 -1.551408
DE11 0HN 7 0 52.788271 -1.565601
DE11 0HP 40 4 52.783244 -1.567668
DE11 0HQ 39 0 52.781911 -1.549905
DE11 0HR 8 5 52.78343 -1.569297