all postcodes in DE56 / BELPER

find any address or company within the DE56 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE56 1BW 4 0 53.030117 -1.479497
DE56 1BX 7 0 53.029612 -1.47919
DE56 1BY 29 4 53.024825 -1.480067
DE56 1BZ 1 1 53.023863 -1.479898
DE56 1DA 34 0 53.024173 -1.481164
DE56 1DB 5 1 53.025604 -1.479491
DE56 1DD 23 0 53.025687 -1.481861
DE56 1DE 25 1 53.0254 -1.484205
DE56 1DF 41 0 53.026106 -1.478993
DE56 1DG 16 0 53.026095 -1.480708
DE56 1DH 15 0 53.02655 -1.479912
DE56 1DJ 21 0 53.027003 -1.480682
DE56 1DL 39 0 53.026653 -1.482878
DE56 1DN 6 0 53.026856 -1.481951
DE56 1DP 14 0 53.026292 -1.48254
DE56 1DQ 4 1 53.02639 -1.484521
DE56 1DR 35 1 53.027207 -1.484139
DE56 1DS 29 0 53.027163 -1.48235
DE56 1DT 46 1 53.027191 -1.480441
DE56 1DU 27 0 53.027862 -1.477765