all postcodes in DE56 / BELPER

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Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE56 1GX 71 0 53.027061 -1.471318
DE56 1GY 56 1 53.030072 -1.471281
DE56 1GZ 1 1 53.023947 -1.478826
DE56 1HA 53 4 53.027341 -1.463604
DE56 1HB 7 1 53.036303 -1.465538
DE56 1HE 36 0 53.025149 -1.486325
DE56 1HF 14 0 53.034977 -1.472608
DE56 1HG 10 0 53.034457 -1.473032
DE56 1HH 45 0 53.025316 -1.481208
DE56 1HJ 54 0 53.028819 -1.464453
DE56 1HL 23 0 53.028609 -1.467736
DE56 1HN 52 0 53.027914 -1.465224
DE56 1HP 26 0 53.028534 -1.465097
DE56 1HQ 47 0 53.029632 -1.465322
DE56 1HR 16 0 53.03007 -1.466883
DE56 1HS 28 0 53.029769 -1.467945
DE56 1HT 35 0 53.031478 -1.468133
DE56 1HU 13 0 53.032293 -1.469554
DE56 1HW 13 0 53.031846 -1.470082
DE56 1HX 49 5 53.023621 -1.476235