all postcodes in DE56 / BELPER

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Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE56 1FW 36 0 53.031086 -1.470971
DE56 1FX 1 1 53.023368 -1.481978
DE56 1FY 12 0 53.022388 -1.479918
DE56 1FZ 65 27 53.023328 -1.478936
DE56 1GA 5 0 53.031112 -1.47686
DE56 1GB 39 0 53.030638 -1.469261
DE56 1GD 13 1 53.023358 -1.477715
DE56 1GE 9 0 53.024012 -1.4772
DE56 1GF 65 5 53.024744 -1.476073
DE56 1GH 56 0 53.02628 -1.475666
DE56 1GJ 15 0 53.036385 -1.47201
DE56 1GL 10 0 53.027527 -1.475144
DE56 1GN 44 0 53.026602 -1.473396
DE56 1GP 32 0 53.028221 -1.473585
DE56 1GQ 32 0 53.028665 -1.474281
DE56 1GR 14 0 53.027463 -1.466855
DE56 1GS 54 0 53.027425 -1.468376
DE56 1GT 38 0 53.0284 -1.471421
DE56 1GU 10 0 53.029374 -1.474183
DE56 1GW 5 0 53.030018 -1.475427