all postcodes in DE65 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE65 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE65 6BX 28 1 52.851767 -1.564266
DE65 6BY 14 1 52.849969 -1.561571
DE65 6BZ 7 0 52.850319 -1.561493
DE65 6DA 65 0 52.852794 -1.56227
DE65 6DB 53 5 52.851849 -1.561879
DE65 6DD 11 0 52.852682 -1.558767
DE65 6DE 70 1 52.852925 -1.556225
DE65 6DG 19 0 52.853493 -1.551927
DE65 6DH 12 0 52.852969 -1.560962
DE65 6DJ 36 0 52.854083 -1.558351
DE65 6DL 29 0 52.852994 -1.550655
DE65 6DN 60 1 52.852485 -1.554061
DE65 6DP 9 0 52.85243 -1.551329
DE65 6DQ 24 0 52.851752 -1.555168
DE65 6DR 29 0 52.851007 -1.557907
DE65 6DS 3 0 52.853967 -1.560877
DE65 6DT 29 0 52.85188 -1.558121
DE65 6DU 39 0 52.852228 -1.559751
DE65 6DW 50 14 52.857079 -1.556535
DE65 6DX 12 5 52.863948 -1.564104