all postcodes in DE65 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE65 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE65 6RJ 4 0 52.837512 -1.538579
DE65 6RL 0 52.856145 -1.561757
DE65 6RN 0 52.855816 -1.562785
DE65 6PE 1 1 52.854601 -1.584866
DE65 6RP 5 0 52.834254 -1.537663
DE65 6RQ 39 0 52.879813 -1.596929
DE65 6RR 7 0 52.835272 -1.538202
DE65 6RS 1 0 52.855958 -1.562279
DE65 6RT 5 0 52.87845 -1.597952
DE65 9AB 1 0 52.865009 -1.683461
DE65 9AT 1 1 52.865009 -1.683461
DE65 9BN 1 1 52.865009 -1.683461
DE65 9BR 1 0 52.865009 -1.683461
DE65 9DJ 1 1 52.865009 -1.683461
DE65 9DL 1 1 52.865009 -1.683461
DE65 9DQ 1 1 52.865009 -1.683461
DE65 9DT 1 1 52.865027 -1.683457
DE65 9DU 1 1 52.865027 -1.683457
DE65 9DW 1 1 52.865027 -1.683457