all postcodes in DE72 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE72 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE72 3FE 1 0 52.881232 -1.386386
DE72 3FF 3 1 52.878495 -1.371709
DE72 3FG 10 0 52.883154 -1.393016
DE72 3FH 20 0 52.901559 -1.309653
DE72 3FJ 9 0 52.904413 -1.377316
DE72 3FL 26 6 52.906214 -1.379476
DE72 3FN 18 0 52.905552 -1.376701
DE72 3FP 35 1 52.904728 -1.373847
DE72 3FQ 28 0 52.904778 -1.371512
DE72 3FR 42 0 52.905974 -1.368179
DE72 3FS 14 0 52.905376 -1.367192
DE72 3FT 13 0 52.904158 -1.371294
DE72 3FW 32 1 52.903522 -1.377031
DE72 3FX 21 0 52.908816 -1.36842
DE72 3FY 3 0 52.905566 -1.375902
DE72 3FZ 60 0 52.905666 -1.374399
DE72 3GA 6 0 52.906025 -1.372624
DE72 3GB 14 1 52.906352 -1.375073
DE72 3GD 19 0 52.90659 -1.377523
DE72 3GE 39 1 52.90792 -1.377474