all postcodes in DE72 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE72 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE72 3ED 41 0 52.89883 -1.313428
DE72 3EE 66 0 52.899846 -1.312029
DE72 3EF 12 2 52.895921 -1.314068
DE72 3EG 21 1 52.896763 -1.311989
DE72 3EH 28 0 52.899781 -1.314721
DE72 3EJ 22 0 52.899367 -1.314668
DE72 3EL 39 0 52.896381 -1.315904
DE72 3EN 4 0 52.897007 -1.387828
DE72 3EP 6 3 52.893145 -1.397291
DE72 3EQ 18 1 52.888969 -1.391018
DE72 3ER 5 0 52.888347 -1.390699
DE72 3ES 36 0 52.88903 -1.364963
DE72 3ET 1 0 52.882164 -1.356905
DE72 3EU 7 1 52.884474 -1.387573
DE72 3EW 11 0 52.883689 -1.392325
DE72 3EX 6 0 52.883714 -1.393647
DE72 3EY 40 1 52.883005 -1.395604
DE72 3EZ 1 0 52.881769 -1.396572
DE72 3FB 1 0 52.876527 -1.410671
DE72 3FD 7 0 52.882835 -1.393897