all postcodes in DL11 / RICHMOND

find any address or company within the DL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL11 6LE 32 1 54.379246 -2.077806
DL11 6LF 5 0 54.375644 -2.058125
DL11 6LG 6 0 54.378796 -2.079175
DL11 6LJ 14 1 54.405075 -2.166711
DL11 6LL 3 1 54.403896 -2.167785
DL11 6LN 2 0 54.406436 -2.170897
DL11 6LP 5 0 54.419355 -2.212292
DL11 6LR 2 0 54.406642 -2.235078
DL11 6LS 2 0 54.403517 -2.219455
DL11 6LT 2 0 54.408611 -2.210285
DL11 6LW 1 0 54.410798 -2.197241
DL11 6NA 17 0 54.377992 -2.028231
DL11 6NB 3 0 54.376796 -2.029631
DL11 6ND 2 0 54.376969 -2.02742
DL11 6NE 16 0 54.377129 -2.028877
DL11 6NF 1 0 54.374503 -2.035464
DL11 6NG 5 0 54.373469 -2.036941
DL11 6NH 5 1 54.369936 -2.040108
DL11 6NJ 4 0 54.370899 -2.058749
DL11 6NL 4 1 54.37234 -2.069527