all postcodes in DL11 / RICHMOND

find any address or company within the DL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL11 6NN 1 0 54.368056 -2.045124
DL11 6NP 1 0 54.356844 -2.05639
DL11 6NQ 2 0 54.371558 -2.028402
DL11 6NR 7 0 54.365984 -2.032409
DL11 6NS 3 0 54.377213 -2.009126
DL11 6NT 3 0 54.378795 -1.999335
DL11 6NW 6 0 54.365091 -2.043289
DL11 6PE 20 0 54.380339 -2.023045
DL11 6PF 11 1 54.38095 -2.023153
DL11 6PG 3 0 54.381022 -2.022583
DL11 6PH 3 0 54.382074 -2.016348
DL11 6PJ 3 0 54.382318 -2.001321
DL11 6PL 1 0 54.385895 -2.001306
DL11 6PN 2 0 54.387675 -2.002944
DL11 6PP 5 0 54.38433 -2.01948
DL11 6PQ 4 0 54.381625 -2.016856
DL11 6PR 6 0 54.380535 -2.029311
DL11 6PS 6 0 54.382242 -2.032114
DL11 6PT 5 0 54.378709 -2.035175
DL11 6PU 1 0 54.383352 -2.063879