all postcodes in DL14 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL14 6BD 16 0 54.652379 -1.678559
DL14 6BE 14 1 54.651499 -1.678829
DL14 6BG 15 2 54.650619 -1.679208
DL14 6BJ 40 1 54.651564 -1.679712
DL14 6BL 54 0 54.651278 -1.680241
DL14 6BN 33 0 54.650581 -1.681502
DL14 6BP 24 0 54.65148 -1.681805
DL14 6BQ 25 1 54.650648 -1.679642
DL14 6BW 43 0 54.651316 -1.681062
DL14 6DA 2 0 54.652414 -1.681498
DL14 6DB 5 0 54.6537 -1.681881
DL14 6DG 46 0 54.656641 -1.672806
DL14 6DJ 1 0 54.655938 -1.668642
DL14 6DL 7 0 54.656457 -1.670978
DL14 6DP 27 0 54.656245 -1.672313
DL14 6DQ 7 1 54.655962 -1.670812
DL14 6DR 6 0 54.655587 -1.671791
DL14 6DS 11 0 54.655999 -1.671369
DL14 6DT 5 0 54.655433 -1.671436
DL14 6DU 6 1 54.655602 -1.670784