all postcodes in DL15 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL15 0DR 31 0 54.711543 -1.69785
DL15 0DS 36 2 54.711665 -1.696406
DL15 0DT 23 2 54.711341 -1.696222
DL15 0DD 2 0 54.711788 -1.698946
DL15 0DW 21 0 54.712274 -1.698915
DL15 0DY 1 0 54.710836 -1.698895
DL15 0EB 46 0 54.709122 -1.696487
DL15 0EH 12 3 54.711271 -1.69318
DL15 0EJ 35 0 54.713687 -1.689375
DL15 0EL 30 0 54.712462 -1.69165
DL15 0EN 21 0 54.714627 -1.687924
DL15 0EP 20 0 54.715074 -1.686756
DL15 0EQ 9 4 54.710276 -1.694336
DL15 0ER 36 2 54.717651 -1.68596
DL15 0ES 7 0 54.717069 -1.686772
DL15 0ET 2 0 54.716051 -1.689321
DL15 0EU 33 0 54.712992 -1.691537
DL15 0EW 40 0 54.714806 -1.687488
DL15 0EX 1 0 54.715151 -1.688867
DL15 0EY 1 0 54.712035 -1.696879