all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

find any address or company within the DL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 2DW 4 1 54.391314 -1.352547
DL6 2DX 1 0 54.399262 -1.38942
DL6 2DY 2 0 54.399207 -1.369486
DL6 2DZ 3 0 54.408063 -1.35028
DL6 2EA 1 0 54.400466 -1.358179
DL6 2EB 4 0 54.392869 -1.336074
DL6 2ED 7 0 54.392812 -1.343606
DL6 2EH 14 2 54.433999 -1.465101
DL6 2EJ 2 0 54.434164 -1.465777
DL6 2EL 4 0 54.433871 -1.464594
DL6 2EN 4 0 54.433542 -1.463396
DL6 2EP 12 0 54.434768 -1.464742
DL6 2EQ 1 1 54.433349 -1.464961
DL6 2ER 4 0 54.434467 -1.465656
DL6 2ES 4 0 54.43521 -1.469115
DL6 2ET 7 1 54.433563 -1.462599
DL6 2EU 3 0 54.433386 -1.462519
DL6 2EW 2 0 54.435372 -1.468598
DL6 2EX 8 0 54.432487 -1.463014
DL6 2EY 7 0 54.434656 -1.461799