all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

find any address or company within the DL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 2LH 1 0 54.417799 -1.352438
DL6 2LJ 6 0 54.421104 -1.362064
DL6 2LL 24 0 54.426152 -1.363281
DL6 2LN 3 0 54.424347 -1.356851
DL6 2LP 3 0 54.434212 -1.368243
DL6 2LQ 9 0 54.420664 -1.343732
DL6 2LR 3 0 54.437625 -1.362702
DL6 2LS 3 0 54.434755 -1.370189
DL6 2LT 3 0 54.441896 -1.367767
DL6 2LU 3 0 54.430642 -1.359203
DL6 2LW 23 2 54.425402 -1.36434
DL6 2LX 4 0 54.436235 -1.344685
DL6 2LY 13 0 54.425712 -1.365075
DL6 2NB 9 7 54.349154 -1.448363
DL6 2NE 5 0 54.411661 -1.452362
DL6 2NF 11 1 54.434001 -1.493087
DL6 2NH 6 6 54.347188 -1.440943
DL6 2NN 6 0 54.351726 -1.446636
DL6 2NP 3 0 54.35438 -1.448733
DL6 2NR 1 0 54.355819 -1.459336