all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

find any address or company within the DL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 1DS 2 2 54.341571 -1.432692
DL6 1DU 6 0 54.341925 -1.433924
DL6 1DX 5 0 54.342602 -1.434032
DL6 1DY 23 2 54.343488 -1.433312
DL6 1DZ 8 0 54.343483 -1.432687
DL6 1EA 15 1 54.344748 -1.432193
DL6 1EB 3 0 54.34432 -1.431183
DL6 1ED 17 1 54.345598 -1.432791
DL6 1EE 46 0 54.344761 -1.434387
DL6 1EG 32 1 54.343552 -1.435265
DL6 1EJ 16 0 54.34301 -1.435293
DL6 1EL 71 0 54.345122 -1.435356
DL6 1EN 11 0 54.342351 -1.43481
DL6 1EP 36 1 54.339838 -1.429799
DL6 1EQ 16 0 54.343927 -1.436813
DL6 1ER 8 0 54.339725 -1.427965
DL6 1ES 12 0 54.339696 -1.427535
DL6 1ET 8 0 54.340401 -1.427146
DL6 1EU 49 0 54.339593 -1.423076
DL6 1EW 46 0 54.342871 -1.434587