all postcodes in DL6 / NORTHALLERTON

find any address or company within the DL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL6 1NP 5 3 54.338428 -1.431987
DL6 1NQ 6 0 54.340107 -1.431472
DL6 1NT 2 0 54.338478 -1.432335
DL6 1NU 1 1 54.340274 -1.432126
DL6 1PE 15 0 54.335605 -1.433626
DL6 1PF 14 2 54.335968 -1.434344
DL6 1PG 15 0 54.336161 -1.432705
DL6 1PH 12 1 54.333926 -1.433987
DL6 1PJ 7 0 54.333554 -1.433193
DL6 1PL 33 2 54.331272 -1.431333
DL6 1PP 10 0 54.330734 -1.429771
DL6 1PQ 9 0 54.335223 -1.432662
DL6 1PS 1 0 54.332779 -1.432183
DL6 1PT 1 1 54.336411 -1.432953
DL6 1PU 1 1 54.337216 -1.434127
DL6 1PX 13 0 54.345267 -1.429955
DL6 1PY 20 0 54.344844 -1.431668
DL6 1PZ 10 0 54.345277 -1.426278
DL6 1QA 13 0 54.345755 -1.422933
DL6 1QB 8 0 54.345432 -1.421107