all postcodes in DL7 / BEDALE

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL7 8GF 1 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 8HA 3 54.333435 -1.446174
DL7 8HB 0 54.334418 -1.444946
DL7 8HD 2 54.333286 -1.447114
DL7 8HE 0 54.332844 -1.446022
DL7 8HF 0 54.331067 -1.449312
DL7 8HG 1 54.331294 -1.449663
DL7 8HH 0 54.32881 -1.451064
DL7 8HJ 0 54.328195 -1.452026
DL7 8HL 0 54.326605 -1.452354
DL7 8HN 0 54.327839 -1.450893
DL7 8HP 0 54.326854 -1.451659
DL7 8HQ 0 54.329616 -1.450438
DL7 8HR 0 54.32763 -1.450419
DL7 8HS 0 54.326852 -1.449261
DL7 8HT 0 54.326545 -1.448957
DL7 8HU 0 54.327287 -1.450008
DL7 8HW 0 54.327888 -1.451768
DL7 8HX 0 54.328135 -1.448859
DL7 8HY 0 54.327752 -1.447588