all postcodes in DL7 / BEDALE

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL7 8NR 1 54.334267 -1.447378
DL7 8NS 9 54.340666 -1.435648
DL7 8NT 0 54.340864 -1.437009
DL7 8NW 0 54.335731 -1.449173
DL7 8PA 1 54.336697 -1.450206
DL7 8PB 0 54.33673 -1.449375
DL7 8PD 5 54.33735 -1.433181
DL7 8PE 11 54.33718 -1.433475
DL7 8PG 1 54.337475 -1.433072
DL7 8PH 1 54.337629 -1.433408
DL7 8PP 27 54.340122 -1.434081
DL7 8PQ 20 54.338178 -1.433462
DL7 8PR 0 54.338407 -1.440955
DL7 8PS 1 54.340011 -1.434057
DL7 8PT 1 54.340302 -1.434109
DL7 8PX 1 54.340977 -1.4343
DL7 8PY 5 54.340197 -1.43344
DL7 8QB 2 54.340765 -1.433909
DL7 8QD 0 54.338283 -1.437296
DL7 8QE 0 54.337606 -1.438674