all postcodes in DL7 / BEDALE

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL7 0TS 0 54.334063 -1.56452
DL7 0TT 0 54.346831 -1.563785
DL7 0TU 0 54.325549 -1.539364
DL7 0TW 0 54.346425 -1.565697
DL7 0TX 0 54.347246 -1.56655
DL7 0TY 0 54.362993 -1.546725
DL7 0TZ 0 54.326854 -1.535259
DL7 0RW 0 54.325454 -1.542172
DL7 0AF 1 0 54.331624 -1.511286
DL7 7ED 0 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7SA 1 1 54.348459 -1.433459
DL7 7SB 1 1 54.348447 -1.433449
DL7 7SD 2 2 54.348447 -1.433449
DL7 7SE 1 1 54.348447 -1.433449
DL7 7SF 1 1 54.348447 -1.433449
DL7 7SG 1 1 54.348447 -1.433449
DL7 7SH 1 1 54.348447 -1.433449
DL7 7SJ 1 1 54.348447 -1.433449
DL7 7SL 1 1 54.348447 -1.433449
DL7 7SP 1 1 54.348447 -1.433449