all postcodes in DL7 / BEDALE

find any address or company within the DL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL7 7TP 1 1 54.348447 -1.433449
DL7 7TQ 1 1 54.348447 -1.433449
DL7 7AB 1 0 54.337228 -1.434136
DL7 7AS 1 1 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7DD 1 0 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7DE 1 0 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7DP 1 0 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7DS 0 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7BJ 1 0 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7BP 1 1 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7BQ 1 0 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7BZ 1 1 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7EF 1 0 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7EG 1 0 54.337216 -1.434127
DL7 7ZZ 1 1 54.337244 -1.434234
DL7 8AD 1 54.332556 -1.436959
DL7 8AE 1 54.333007 -1.439167
DL7 8AH 1 54.333007 -1.439167
DL7 8AL 1 54.333007 -1.439167
DL7 8AN 3 54.332865 -1.440839