all postcodes in DL7 / BEDALE

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL7 8LU 18 54.341334 -1.435756
DL7 8LW 13 54.340503 -1.434906
DL7 8LX 1 54.341035 -1.435207
DL7 8LY 1 54.337773 -1.43395
DL7 8LZ 5 54.34019 -1.43587
DL7 8NA 1 54.337876 -1.43501
DL7 8NB 1 54.337663 -1.434945
DL7 8NE 0 54.337445 -1.436302
DL7 8NF 3 54.33773 -1.436396
DL7 8NG 0 54.337175 -1.43871
DL7 8TU 0 54.336861 -1.438868
DL7 8NH 0 54.335933 -1.442265
DL7 8NL 0 54.334785 -1.446602
DL7 8NN 0 54.336056 -1.4476
DL7 8NQ 3 54.336931 -1.440375
DL7 8NR 1 54.334267 -1.447378
DL7 8NS 9 54.340666 -1.435648
DL7 8NT 0 54.340864 -1.437009
DL7 8NW 0 54.335731 -1.449173
DL7 8PA 1 54.336697 -1.450206