all postcodes in DL7 / BEDALE

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL7 8QN 0 54.337476 -1.438993
DL7 8QP 1 54.338703 -1.442689
DL7 8QQ 0 54.338119 -1.438821
DL7 8QR 6 54.340444 -1.434482
DL7 8QS 0 54.337995 -1.437315
DL7 8QT 1 54.340374 -1.434185
DL7 8QU 0 54.337317 -1.440262
DL7 8QW 1 54.338915 -1.433575
DL7 8QX 0 54.334948 -1.435403
DL7 8QY 0 54.334387 -1.436457
DL7 8QZ 2 54.333498 -1.435894
DL7 8RD 0 54.333051 -1.435199
DL7 8RE 0 54.332467 -1.434555
DL7 8RF 0 54.331916 -1.435916
DL7 8RG 2 54.329929 -1.435789
DL7 8RH 0 54.331259 -1.434408
DL7 8RJ 0 54.332689 -1.433891
DL7 8RL 0 54.332839 -1.433397
DL7 8RN 0 54.329965 -1.430582
DL7 8RP 0 54.330673 -1.432202